Monday, May 10, 2010

Milestone Alert! For Mothers Day, Sally gave us a huge present - she began to crawl forward. She's been up on all fours and been rocking, but hasn't actually made any progress until Mothers Day. It was so exciting. I think Sally got inspired from Caleb Sandle. We went to visit him earlier in the day, and he is 6 weeks younger than Sally and was moving all over the place. Crawling and even pulling himself up! Sally just seems to be kind of a cautious child. Even before she grabs things, she touches them with her pointer finger first to make sure it is safe. I think she just needed to see how the crawling thing is done before she attempted this feat.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

9 months old

Sally is 9 months old as of Monday. We went to the doctor and the stats are as follows: 19 lb, 14oz (70%), Height = 28 inches (67%), head circumference 17 inches (27%). Overall great health! She hasn't quite mastered crawling, but she's a champ at scootching, rolling around, clapping, babbling, she can even drop a ball in her new toy. These little accomplishments on paper are huge in real life. She's awesome.