Saturday, November 27, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

I do have a LOT to be thankful for, but I am mostly thankful that Sally is on the road to recovery. On Thanksgiving, we were about to walk out the door to Brother & Sister In Laws, and Sally was running a very high fever. Luckily the doctor's office was open on Friday and we got in. Ear infection. Poor thing. She had an ear infection on 4th of July also. Holidays aren't her thing, but hopefully we she will feel good for Christmas.

Late 09 thru all of 2010 has been a crazy time, but I am so thankful for the support of my family and friends through it all. We've lost a business, lost a house, lost jobs and we are STILL STANDING!! I know that we may be entering even more unstable times, but with God by our side, we can conquer.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

in October??

Yes, in October, we finally got some tomatoes on our tomato plant. The plant itself is HUGE, but has not produced any fruit all summer. Adam and Sally found a big one out there this morning.

Note to self, this is what happens when you don't plant tomatoes until June. We were a little behind this year, and this is the outcome. Next year, planting will take place in April!

Monday, September 13, 2010

1st sleep over

13 months have flown by and Sally came up to me today and asked, "Mom, why haven't I gotten to spend the night with anybody yet?" That was a very good question. The answer is, Mommy is selfish and wants to be with you all the time! Oh, if only she could talk...

She is however having her first night away from me tonight. When I walked back in the door to the house after dropping her off, both of the dogs looked at me like, "ummm, where's the rest of the cargo? usually there is a blabbing baby in your arms, lady?!" Hopefully we will both sleep well tonight, even if it is not under the same roof.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sally & Munson

I'm not sure who likes to watch TV more. If Clifford or Dragon Tails is on, then Sally is loving it. If any kind of dog show is on, Munson is enthralled. They are so funny

Monday, July 12, 2010

Summer Evening

The last year of my life has completely flown by. Every night when I put baby Sally to bed, I just stare at her for moments on end. I wish they would never end. I can't explain what it is like to be a parent, but I am just so thankful that this little precious bit of heaven has come down to earth to be with me. And as I am typing this, my eyes are filling up with tears. If only I could bottle up these moments. My husband and my child. Love love love.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

She has discovered how to unwrap the toilet paper! She and Munson are such a pair now. She unrolls, then he comps on the toliet paper tube. And as you can see from picture #3, we have such a lovely stash of toilet paper now in the WC. Too funny.

4th in the ER

This 4th of July could have been better. Poor Sally had a fever starting Friday night and just kept rising and rising all day on the 3rd. Finally at 11:30 Saturday night, we took her to the ER because all the Tylenol and cool rags didn't seem to help. She ended up having an Ear Infection. A dose of Amoxicillon later, the fever has broke and she's on the road to recovery. We left the hospital in the wee hours of the 4th and tried to sleep through the night. She felt a little better today, but you can still tell she is under the weather.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I haven't blogged in forever and tons has happened over the last month. Sally is crawling all OVER the place. Her favorite thing to do now is to pull herself up to the TV and push the off button. Then she will look back at you to see if you noticed. Yes! We notice, silly girl. She must be going through a growth spurt now also because she is sleeping a lot more. But, she is waking up in the middle of the night, which I am not fond of. I'm trying to ween her, but I'm too lazy to walk downstairs in the middle of the night to make a bottle. I guess I'm not trying hard enough.
Oh well, we will conquer it some day soon.

I had some interesting news today at work. Our company got bought. I know this happens to companies all over the country all the time, but until it happens to you, you just don't know how to respond. I still don't know how to respond. I don't know what to think. Are the "Bob's" from office space going to come in and see what everybody does at office? I love what I do, and really enjoy the people I work with and hope it continues. Unsettled is probably the best way to describe how I feel. Of course, knowing what is going on in the rest of our country and watching the news each night makes me feel unsettle too. I can only take comfort in God because he is the one with all the plans for me anyway. Praise Jesus!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Milestone Alert! For Mothers Day, Sally gave us a huge present - she began to crawl forward. She's been up on all fours and been rocking, but hasn't actually made any progress until Mothers Day. It was so exciting. I think Sally got inspired from Caleb Sandle. We went to visit him earlier in the day, and he is 6 weeks younger than Sally and was moving all over the place. Crawling and even pulling himself up! Sally just seems to be kind of a cautious child. Even before she grabs things, she touches them with her pointer finger first to make sure it is safe. I think she just needed to see how the crawling thing is done before she attempted this feat.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

9 months old

Sally is 9 months old as of Monday. We went to the doctor and the stats are as follows: 19 lb, 14oz (70%), Height = 28 inches (67%), head circumference 17 inches (27%). Overall great health! She hasn't quite mastered crawling, but she's a champ at scootching, rolling around, clapping, babbling, she can even drop a ball in her new toy. These little accomplishments on paper are huge in real life. She's awesome.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Splish Splash

She is taking a bath. I have finally moved her out of the baby bath, and into the big girl tub. Probably waited too long, but she can sit up very well on her own now, so I feel confident with her in the tub. And she is loving it! I will need to add to my wardrobe, a poncho. Water was everywhere, but Sally had a blast. Even Munson and Penny come in to watch to see what all the fun is about.

Still no crawling yet, but when she lays on her tummy, she is moving all around and rolls where she wants to go. Usually she heads for Munson, so he can lick her toes which makes her giggle.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A 4 Generation day

Meemaw came down for a visit over my birthday and for Easter this year. So Meemaw, Mom, Sally and I all spent some quality time together. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we decided to have a "4 Generations Day" on one of her days here. We had lunch, went shopping (for bargains of course), went to get pedicures, and then hung out on the deck at Mom's in this beautiful spring weather. It was so nice to see her and I wish it was more often. Meemaw is 91, Mom 57, Erin 31, and Sally 8 months.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring is here

Spring is in the air, and the nostrils in this house are feeling it. I love the first warm spring like weather, but it is so bittersweet. I have been using the Netipot this year, which has helped quite a bit, but poor Adam is so congested. We have a pear tree in our backyard (so pretty!) but is so stinky. Hopefully in another week everything will get better. When the pollen is thick and my car turns yellow, the worst has usually passed.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ear & Eye Infections

We went to the doctor's office today. Sally tossed and turned all night with crusty eyes. We found out that not only did she have Pinkeye, but she also had an ear infection. Double wammy! Even when she is sick, she is still a great baby. Not too fussy, just kind of quiet and reserved. Hopefully everything will clear up in a few days.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

I have fallen behind on my postings. Sorry for the delay. Adam, Sally & I have recently moved and are trying to get settled into a new n'hood. We are actually living IN a neighborhood now - it has been so long . It felt a little like Pleasantville our first week, just because I wasn't used to it. We even have a garage now, not that we can use it anytime soon. It's filled up with junk!

Oh, and I am so ready for spring. I know some friends have had a worse winter than us, but Georgia usually isn't this cold for this long. I hear the bird chirping in the morning, so it must not be too far off, but a beginning tomorrow would be fine and dandy with me. :)

We got Sally Baptized last weekend. It was so special. Mom made Sally the dress out of material from her wedding dress that she and her grandmother made. Talk about heirloom!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Bath time

She's almost too big for the bath in the sink, but she loves it.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Baby & Daddy getting some sleep, until Erin comes in with the camera flash!

Trystan turns 9

These kids are growning fast. Can't believe Trystan is already 9 years old!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Erin's Thoughts

I just don't have time to write in a journal, so this method is so much better. Sally is growing so fast. Just like every other mother, there are certain stages in her child's life that she wishes would stay around forever. Recently Sally just lights up when I walk into the room. When she is hungry, she cries "Ma ma ma ma". When she's happy she says "Ba ba baba ". The hair on her head is getting thicker every day. There are certain shows on TV that Adam wants me to watch, but I would rather just watch Sally. It is absolutely amazing to see children grow, especially your own. American Idol in on the the background right now, but I couldn't care less. When Sally sings, I stop and listen to her. Why in the world did I wait until I was 30 to have children??!! I would have 10 more if they would all be like Sally. (I know, I'm pushing it here).

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Food

Sally enjoyed her first baby food today - Sweet Potatoes. I am so excited that she ate it so easily. Hopefully it will be easy on her stomach. We will see.